          歐巴馬:I don't worry about the politics st1\:*{}table.MsoNormalTable {font-size:10.0pt;font-family:"Times New Roman";}st1\:*{} table.MsoNormalTable {font-size:10.0pt;font-family:"Times New Roman";}Being the first black US president, Barack Obama took his office in the days of economic crisis. The two factors together could have been his assets. However, it seems to me that Obama is still in the mood of campaign. He eagerly raised his ideals as “Obama Doctrine” and said “I don't worry about the politics”. The analysis uses “the deeper philosophical challenges” describing Obama’s political pressure, which is rar 烤肉e. He publicized the internal memo of CIA then went Langley to make an empty promise. What will happen next? It is not good… 歐巴馬作為首位黑人總統在經濟困頓中上台,黑人與困頓情勢原本是資產。然而,他似乎忘卻現實政治的邏輯,片面倡議理想,觸碰情報與保守組織等領域。報導中的「哲學性挑戰」是從未出現過的字眼。當然「歐巴馬主義」(Obama Doctrine)似乎也出現得早了一些。但歐巴馬是似乎不管這些。他說「我不擔心政治」。但是,他卻忘記他是因為政治而當上總統的。而且,對於政權核心的情報部門,他居然公布內部的備忘錄(其實不必這樣做)使之陷入窘境(或險境) 烤肉食材,後給予難以保證的口惠安撫。 這會產生何種結果?看起來不太妙! 挑戰國家無誤外交信念 歐巴瑪走鋼索 ■自由(2009.04.21) 長久以來,美國深信無論對敵對友,山姆大叔的對應方式完全正確。然而,美國總統歐巴瑪近期以來的作風,對內對外不啻都是一場豪賭(a huge gamble both at home and abroad),而若有收益,也將在遠久後才能收割。…在掌政僅三個月後,這位美國新總統向歐洲承認,對於全球金融危機,美國至少得付部份責任,因為疏於規範貪婪的華爾街投機客。他告訴俄國人,希望修補前總統布希主政下,雙方墜入冷戰程度的關係。他還要求北約在阿富汗議題上提供更多軍援,雖然斬獲不多,但沒有埋怨盟友 裝潢。…歐巴瑪力圖轉變美國國際形象的努力,令人聯想到前蘇聯領袖戈巴契夫。在短暫的任期中,戈巴契夫不斷努力擺脫意識形態的糾結,終致使這個共黨帝國垮台。而歐巴瑪的步伐遠快於戈老(Obama is outpacing even Gorbachev)。…歐巴瑪說,美國也務必尊重導引美國敵友兩造的多元文化與觀點。At a news conference ending the three-day Summit of the Americas on Sunday, Obama was asked to explain what a reporter called this emerging "Obama Doctrine."…批評家卻認為,歐巴瑪崇高的理想令國家暴露其弱點,同時顯露美國尚未準備好承認過往錯誤,以及與宿敵會談意願等局面(see a president whose lofty ideals expose the country 結婚西裝 to a dangerous probing of U.S. weakness of an unseemly readiness to admit past mistakes, of a willingness to talk with unpleasant opponents.)。然而,除卻對其外交新政策的具體攻擊,更深刻的是來自美國國內保守派政治組織的哲學性挑戰(the deeper philosophical challenges from the still powerful, if diminished, conservative political structure in the United States)。這樣的反對勢力恐打亂歐巴瑪改變國內政策的意圖(Such opponents can play havoc with Obama's attempts to change domestic policy),並侵蝕其逾60%的民意滿意度。 奧巴馬:中情局仍擔負護國重任?面膜@■BBC(2009.04.21) 奧巴馬此前下令公布有關法律備忘錄,披露中情局曾對兩名基地組織嫌疑人使用水刑逼供達266次,…美國總統奧巴馬曾表示,水刑是一種酷刑,並且明令禁止,不過他也保證不會就逼供手法(harsher methods)對中情局人員提起訴訟。奧巴馬在中情局總部發表講話,表示中情局工作人員致力於保護美國的國家安全,他也將同樣保護他們。…在希什統治期間擔任中情局局長的海登在接受美國媒體採訪時質疑奧巴馬有關將保護中情局工作人員的說法。他預言中情局人員仍會受到美國國會的調查,而且可能遭到民事訴訟。布希政府時期擔任中情局局長的海登為中情局和水刑做出辯護。海登還認為發佈水刑逼供備忘錄會給中情局日後審問恐怖嫌疑人製造困難。… 長灘島e/trad/hi/newsid_8000000/newsid_8009400/8009427.stm 奧巴馬視察中情局總部鼓舞士氣 ■VOA(2009.04.21) 在幾天前,美國政府部門公佈了前布希政府有關對恐怖份子嫌疑人使用嚴酷審訊手段的備忘錄。備忘錄對相關法律依據做了陳述,一度被列為機密。…奧巴馬在簡短的講話中,解釋了他為什麼決定公佈那些備忘錄,以及弘揚中央情報局員工士氣的重要性。…因為即使他不這麼做的話,法庭正在審理的一個案件也將迫使這些備忘錄被公布於眾,而且個中的機密內容,早些時候也已經被媒體曝光了。…中央情報局的好幾位前局長都公開反對將審訊手段備忘錄公布於眾。…前中情局局長邁克爾.海登(Michael Hayden)很擔心那些備忘錄公佈以後可能產生的後果。他說,中央情報局的人員如今在接到各項指令的時候,可能會對其法 租辦公室律和政治後果產生憂慮。海登說:「我認為,這其中最讓人不安的一點,就是中情局的官員可能會在作業的時候產生猶豫,而國家是期待著他們的行動的。」…喬治亞州的共和黨籍參議員錢布利斯(Saxby Chambliss)是參議院情報委員會的成員。他說:「情報部門的一些具體運作細節,應該只有情報部門知道。 我認為,那些備忘錄被公開,是不對的。」…錢布利斯參議員同時還表示,奧巴馬政府似乎在想盡一切辦法,來讓前總統布希難堪,但是這一次做得實在是過份了。 Analysis: Obama gores foreign policy ox ■AP(2009.04.21) But beyond specific attacks on his new foreign policy are the deeper philosophical challenges emerging from the still 酒店工作 powerful, if diminished, conservative political structure in the United States . Such opponents can play havoc with Obama's attempts to change domestic policy and will work to weaken his 60-plus percent approval among Americans. 分析的最後以「歐巴馬漠視」作為結尾: Obama brushes that aside: "One of the benefits of my campaign and how I've been trying to operate as president is I don't worry about the politics — I try to figure out what's right in terms of American interests, and on this one I think I'm right." So thought Gorbachev. But being right is not always politically healthy. Obama open to tort 開幕活動ure memos probe, prosecution ■AP(2009.04.21) A number of Republicans, including former Vice President Cheney and former top intelligence officials, say Obama has undermined national security with his release of the memos on the matter. On the other side, some Democratic lawmakers, human rights groups and liberal advocates want to see punishment for those involved in sanctioning brutal interrogations - the kind they say amount to torture and have damaged U.S. standing around the world. .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 東森房屋  .

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